Miss California’s Crowned Top Stripper!


How in the world do people in beauty pagents think that their past is not going to haunt them? When you do shady sh!t it will come up. The perfect example is Miss California herself, Carrie Prejean. It wasn’t bad enough that her comments regarding gay marriage was so prehistorical mumbo jumbo ( you need to get with the times. The world is changing regardless if you like it or not.) now pictures of her have mysteriously popped up being topless. And yes, we do have the picture.

Thank you Dirty.com

Thank you Dirty.com

Here’s the funny thing. Don’t lie about it. She is saying that when those pictures were taking she was 17. Well, the underwear (which is Victoria Secrets brand) she was wearing was researched, and here are the results. Carrie would have been 18 in 2005. That brand of underwear didnt come out until 2006. I can hear her already: : “Oopsies….”. I know that she is a blond but come on. Would love to hear the conversations between her and her boyfriend Michael Phelps.


Now, I would rather admit to being 18 and over then continue to say I was 17 and under. Then that would make it child pornagraphy. I watched Law and Order last nite, girl (who was 16 or 17) sent pictures of herself to her boyfriend and they arrested her behind.  I hear sirens.

The pictures were supposedly taken by a friend or family member for a portfolio. Yuck, why would you take semi nude pictures of a child? Anywho, the contract from Miss California USA prohibites nudity. It states: “appearing in public or permitting myself to be photographed in a state of partial or total nudity or in a lewd, compromising or sexually suggestive manner constitutes a violation of this provision (this includes photographs of images that may appear on any Web site, such as MySpace of Facebook).”

Can we say…. “bye bye tiara”?


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