Britney Spears Gets It On With Her Dancer!



I guess it is written in the “On Tour” handbook, that dating your staff is a must. Britney Spears had to have skipped over that chapter the first time because we see how well the marriage to Kevin Federline went.  The difference this time is that the hottie dancer is younger, 21, and has a sexier name: “Gio”.

Still Hot As A Brunette.... Even Yummier

Still Hot As A Brunette.... Even Yummier

Unfortunately, Britney’s dad, Jamie, came and busted up this lovely affair. Of Course, it was after Britney had already bought young Gio some clothes, shoes, and a bunch of condoms. That’s an equal exchange. I give you sex and you buy my things. I thought that was called prostitution? Britney, honey, they don’t love you as much as they love your money.

If This Pic Is Before Or After Baby... Who Cares! Damn She Fine!

If This Pic Is Before Or After Baby... Who Cares! Damn She Fine!

Britney Spears Concert Offers More Than We Wanted


While performing on her circus tour, Britney Spears seem to have a malfunction of her own with her wordrobe. Spears was heard saying over a live mic, ( which that in its self is a malfunction, isnt her only job to dance and look pretty?)that her “p*&@% was hanging out”. I’m sorry, is there anyone in the world that hasn’t seen Britney’s crotch? Must I remind you that she went thru a crotch hanging out phase not to long ago, along with her friend Paris Hilton. My problem with this is maybe she should wear her clothes a litle bigger then her “cooker” wouldn’t feel so cramped. That of course is just my opinon.