Fact or Ficition:

Actor Terrance Howard took Actor Evan Ross as his Wife !!!


Congrats!!! They look so cute together!!!

Congrats!!! They look so cute together!!!


On Febuary 11th, one month before Terrance Howard’s birthday. The Two actor’s was secretly married. The way the story is going is that Evan ross (the son of Diana Ross and T.I. co-star of ATL) converted from being a christian over to Islam for his secret lover. Evan Ross dressed up as a woman of Islam with full head dress and attire to fool the Iman (muslim pastor) into believing he was a woman so he would marry them. When Questioned Terrance Howard said he and Evan has been really close since the filiming of the movie “Pride” where Evan Ross played a speedo wearing teenager that loved to get wet in the pool. Terrance Howard Played an older man who would watch him swim for hours and train him on his Technique.