Jenny McCarthy Loves Threesomes


The bad thing when you break up with someone is that they have tons of little secrets. Trust me, they just can’t wait to tell on you. Jenny McCarthy’s ex-husband, John Asher,  recently spilled the beans about her in the bedroom on The Conway and Whitman Show. Asher describes McCarthy as ” a freak in the sack”,always kept things “lively” in the bedroom, loves threesomes, and even surprised him with not just one additional girl in bed, but with 3. Yummy, sexy, fine Jenny McCarthy. Gotta love the former MTV Host and hate Jim Carrey. You lucky dog you.

jenny_mccarthy Lord have mercy on my soul!


Madonna’s New baby!!! Maybe, if she can prove she’s not crazy!!!


I’m not sure if your aware of the abuse Madonna has been puting on her adopted children. The fact that she has off the wall morals allows for her children to go from:

madonna son David when he was first adopted

madonna son David when he was first adopted

This is what little david looks like now!!!:

This more like big David

This more like big David

If this isn’t a sign of abuse, than i don’t know what is!!! Tell him No, he cant eat  all the fried chicken and watermelon by himself. Let him know he has to share with his skinny a$$ mom!!!

Cindy Crawford Naked For Allure

cindy-crawford6 ( Looking heavenly in the 80’s and 90’s)

We all remember this piece of beauty back in the 80’s and 90’s. She has now been married, a mother of 2 and is in her 40’s, but God Damn if this woman does not look like heaven. She posed nude (but covered the nice parts) in Allure Magazine, for her skin care product. I must say, I would buy it just by the photo. She was yummy in her teen’s and young adult, she is delicious in her 40’s, and lord help me, if I don’t try to gum her if she looks just as good in her 60’s!

032409crawfordThere are only 3 words that can describe this photo…. LORD HAVE MERCY!!!. Damn, I wish she was my mom, or even better my friends mom. Total MILF!!!