Could Jon Be Kicked Off “Jon And Kate Plus 8″?

Click on picture for story

Click on picture for story

Jon’s Secret Woman Speaks…


The secret is out and we now know that her name is Deanna Hummel, she is 23 yrs old and single (of course). The two met through mutual friends ( don’t you always?) and have hung out before (but they were in “group” setting). She claims that their relationship is purely platonic and that they talk and socialize with each other just like friends do.


She does admit that everything is getting blown out of proportion due to the fact that Jon is on TV. If he wasn’t, this wouldn’t even be an issue.  So knowing that ,you decided to go out alone with Jon any way. Also, knowing that there is “trouble” in his marriage, you still decided to do this. If it was me, I would have him come over and watch a movie (oh wait, you already have.. people read below its coming). I wonder if she is trying to be a star and used this as an opportunity to get some “camera time”?


Hummel also swears that Jon never called her “Babe”. Whatever, when your drunk, would you really remember or pay attention? She also stuck with the story that she was test driving the car only to her car. The question is where was her car parked?


Now, this is where it gets interesting… According to Us magazine, Hummel’s brother, Jason,  is talking a different story. He is claiming that there could be more going on. Hummel stated: ” The walls are thin. Let’s just say that. I mean, no one wants to hear his sister having sex, let alone with a married dude who’s, like, almost twice her age and who has eight kids and a maybe-crazy wife.”

Jason tells Us magazine that the Jon and Deanna met at a local Reading bar and were sending $3 shots to each other all night (thats weird, dont you think? The only reason to be doing that is if your trying to get some, in my opinion. I’ve done it…. and it was only for that reason.). Phone calls to the house started in about a month. Jon has been over Deanna place and when he does, Jason said they lock themselves up in her room. Wonder if kate subscribes to Us magazine or People?


Us magazine also apparently has video of Jon coming out of Hummels place 7:30 am the next day. Hmmmm…. My spiderman senses are tingling, people!

To see the video click on this link:

Who needs daytime soaps, when Jon is supplying more than enough entertainment?

Jon Living It Up In Philly…Again! Part 2



Just in… more on the the night that Jon was in Philly with a female friend.  He, as we all know, says that the girl he was out with was a friend. We also know that supposedly she wanted to test drive his car to her car. What we didn’t know was some of the conversation that was being said. From bystanders at the club that night, Jon was over heard telling the unknown female “Hey, babe! Babe! Give me my jacket!” and used other terms of endearment. Now, I’m not saying that something is or was going on, but what I am saying is that those terms can be misunderstood. At times, significant others may not appreciate that terms of endearment ( that they thought were special and used only between you and him)are said to those that may not have as much of an intimate relationship as you do with your significant other (am I wrong girls?). There are things that I call my other that I would not say to a friend because they are not in the same category. Its called respect for the person that you are in love with.


Gosselin , again, said that his “friend” wanted to test drive his car and he let her drive it to where her car was. But when the cameras started clicking, he yelled at her to get in and they speeded off without the headlights on. From the picture… she looked as if she was waaaaay past the legal drinking limit.  That doesnt match what he originally said…. or was that story for Kate? If nothing was going on then way run, or did Kate not know that you were out (again) partying?


Clearly, Kate is not there for Jon (in whatever way he needs) and Jon isn’t there for Kate (in whatever way she needs) yet, it is not to late to correct things. It just seems that the only thing that is talking between them is money and loneliness.

Jon’s Living It Up In Philly…Again!

Shame on you!

Shame on you!

Once again, Jon Gosselin’s “carelessness” is leading him deeper and deeper into something that he will soon not be able to climb out of. On April 18, Jon was seen in the front passenger car of a female (supposedly it was Jon’s car and she just wanted to test drive it, *cough*cough) leaving a bar in Philadelphia called “Legends” around 2 am ( hey but at least he wasnt drinking and driving! Although, she don’t look to sober either).


According to UsMagazine, he had gotten to the club around 11:20 and when he left at 2am ( duh, last call baby is at 1:30am) was barely able to walk. Looks like he may be using alcohol to take care of issues he may have with his marriage and life, at least to me. He goes on to say that he has male and female friends and will not give up those relationships just because he is on tv” (you normally dont, Jon, you just replace them with new famous ones). He tried to explain by saying, “I went to Legends to speak to the owner. A friend of mine wanted to check out my car, so I let her drive it to her car”.  “Yes, I have female friends — but that is all she is. I’m not going to end my friendships just because I’m on TV.”

During happier times

During happier times

Where was Kate? 2,ooo miles away promoting her book “8 Little Faces” in Bellevue, Washington. So who is watching the kids if mommy is working on the road and daddy is partying in the city?


He, of course, goes on to repent by saying “However, being out…late at night showed poor judgment on my part. What makes me sick is that my careless behavior has put my family in this uncomfortable position. My family is the most important thing in my life and it kills me that these allegations have hurt them.”


No Jon, these allegations are not hurting your family… you are. By acting out in a way that is not healthy. Then again, with a controlling wife and a life that you really dont want, you do need an outlet but this isn’t it.

Kate, you need to see what is going on with your husband. He is begging you to listen that he is not happy and if your marriage means anything to you, you will seriously sit down and think about EVERYTHING, figure out what is more important. Your husband and family or you and your career.


Jon,Jon, Jon When Will You Learn?


In a recent InTouch magazine, Jon Gosselin admitted that there is trouble brewing in the “not so happy marriage”. Jon was seen on April 11 in Philadelphia with a female pal at Derek’s. Trying not to be seen the couple was in the back and chatted according to onlookers.


Jon, yet still denies that anything has happened. He is still sticking to his story that he has not cheated on Kate.

Here’s my question: Jon, just because you didnt actually have sex with  someone doesnt mean you didnt cheat. Don’t you know that emotional cheating is more hurtful to a woman than physical cheating?

Broke Octomom Has Money For Tattoo.

How is it that you claim that you are so broke, and have to go on WIC to feed your kids but have enough money to get a tattoo? I guess once you figure out how to work the system, the rest comes easy.


Recently seen at Kustom Kulture in Hollywood getting a tattoo for her 8 babies. This tattoo is to go with the others that represent her other load of kids.

Nadya Suleman

Suleman invited to follow the “baby machine” as she got her 8th tattoo. We should all get thank you cards for that tattoo since we all are paying for it.

Octo-mom is in a new porn???

Not Quite…

Nadya Suleman's sexxxual parody Coctomom!

Nadya Suleman's sexxxual parody Coctomom!



















Octo-mom kept turning down Vivid’s generous offer. So……Devil’s Films decided to do their own skin flick with her look alike. We seen the movie…HOT and funny!

Need Your Jon And Kate Plus 8 Fix?


For all you loyal, faithful fans I know that you will be happy to know that TLC will be hosting a one hour special ( just in case you have not seen the commercials for this already)on April 19, Sunday. The “happy go lucky” family is turning their home into a “eco-friendly” home (how sweet… now you do with all those non disposable diapers that you used for your kids are in landfills… I guess the saying better late than never comes to mind). They will have the help of Steve Thomas, Plant Green’s “Renovation Nation” host.


Thomas and his group will help remodel the Gosselin’s new home into a energy-saving, eco-friendly home with solar panels, solar thermal panels, and solar panels that will light up the driveway. Don’t you think that is just a little bit of an over kill? Not hating….just asking.


The show “Jon and Kate plus 8” season 5 will begin at the end of May. Let’s all watch and see Jon be tortured more and if Kate can be any more nagging and irritable.

WETV: The Locator: Finding Donald


The Locator is one of the hottest shows on WETV. This past Saturday was a new episode that will leave you wondering about people and what they have been thru. When you give a child up for adoption and the child comes looking for you, do you hold the past against the child or let the past go and embrace the child that did not ask to be here?

That is this type of case. Donald ( who was given up for adoption, and raised as a only child in a very good,loving home) had gotten into contact with this biological mother. The reason he did this was because he wanted to know about his family medical history. When he called, his mother refused to talk to him, but did agree to answer his questions (thru her husband). His mother asked that he never call again. She did decide to tell her other children, in case Donald decided to contact them. He did not.

When she told her oldest child, Scott, about the child she gave up, he decided to look for Donald himself. He knew that by doing this it could hurt his relationship with this mother but knew that it was the right thing to do. He did not think that it was right for his mom to “throw him away”.

Troy and his team had a very hard time finding Donald (there was over 700 people with the same name),but he succeeded and they decided to meet. Troy asked Donald alot of questions and you could see that he was very hurt by the outcome of his biological mom. Yet, he was thrilled and excited to know that not everyone in his biological family felt the same way as his mother did.

Troy flew Donald and his family out to meet Scott. It was clear to see that Donald was so happy to meet his brother and felt very honored (and special that someone would take this big of a chance for him) knowing that by doing this it could ruin Scott’s relationship with their mom. Scott lets Donald know about his mom and tries to explain that his mom isn’t a bad person (and hopefully would be able to except what Scott has done.)

If ends with them hugging ( for the 19th time)… Scott still has not told his mother about the meeting.

Here’s my question: Was their mom being selfish for turning Donald away or was the hurt to much to deal with?

Reality Sets In For Octomom With Reality Show


Everyone says that once you start a lie, all that happens is that it snowballs into bigger lies. Octomom Suleman has repeatedly told lie after lie to everyone, then when she gets caught all she does is “rephrase” it and here is another example.


We all know that she has been greedy hungry with the media and wants to be the next “Jon and Kate plus 8”. She wants the fame, money and everything else that comes with being a celebrity except she doesnt want to work for it. It has finally been admitted that she will have her own “reality show”, except (here is the fun part) it will not be called a “reality show”. It will be known as a “documentary” and will be called that until the kids are 18. That is a long ass time for a documentary. These kids are only a few months old.

Suleman told LifeStyle Weekly: ” … the documentary will not infringe on our family’s lifestyle since they will only be filming 6 times a year. It will also help her remember the milestones of the childrens lives.” Give me a break!


The best part of this is that this “documentary” is being filmed by a company in the U.K. called “Eyeworks”. It will be shown in the U.K. first and then the U.S. (depending if we are interested…. I guess she never heard of cable television. Duh…. you dont have to bring your show here to the US, sweetie. I can get it on the comcast! … of course, if I’M interested.)

Here’s my questions: Will you watch Suleman’s “Documentary”