Jill Scott in Botswana

Jill Scott Nude

Jill Scott NudePoetess Extroidinaire Jill Scott is already an Uber talent. The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is a series of ten novels by British author Alexander McCall Smith. The agency is located in Gaborone, capital of Botswana. Its founder is a Motswana woman, Mma Precious Ramotswe, who features as the stories' protagonist and main detective. The episodic novels are as much about the adventures and foibles of different characters as they are about solving mysteries. Jill Scott is an incredible talent. The stories are excellently written. I hate the show..because there is something wrong with me. However, I like what I like and I hate what I hate. I really hate this show. Although almost everyone else in the world digs it. So, here is little video of one of the episodes.Jill Scott looking all breastalicious

Jill and her lingerie collection

Jill and her lingerie collection

Click on the picture to see a video scene.

Jamie Foxx new movie friend

Jamie Foxx was in his hotel room in Philadelphia when someone knocked on his door claiming to be Beyonces music producer. When Foxx opened the door he noticed it was not the music producer of Beyonce rather a 49-year-old stalker. The man immediately shoved Jamie into the hotel room but after he fought back the impostor wasn’t able to over power Foxx. He ran away.

