Pastor Pleas And Prayers Death For President Obama

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Obama: Swine flu not a reason for ‘alarm’

Is Swine flu a Virological attack

Obama in Mexico

Obama in Mexico

Obama’s Visit

The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn’t confirm if Solis had swine flu or not.

Editor’s Note: According to the CDC, this particular strain of H1N1 has mutated with a strain of the bird flu virus. The same bird flu virus that killed dozens of Chinese three years ago. Unlike the bird flu, this particular virus is spreading at an alarming rate world wide. There is now a reported case in Europe (Spain) and is alarming most of the health officials there.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared an emergency in his country’s swine flu outbreak, giving him powers to order quarantines and suspend public events.

Authorities have canceled school at all levels in Mexico City and the state of Mexico until further notice, and the government has shut most public and government activities in the area. The emergency decree, published today in the state gazette, gives the president authority to take more action.

A kid kissing a swine flu infected pig

A kid kissing a swine flu infected pig

“The federal government under my charge will not hesitate a moment to take all, all the measures necessary to respond with efficiency and opportunity to this respiratory epidemic,” Calderon said today during a speech to inaugurate a hospital in the southern state of Oaxaca.

At least 20 deaths in Mexico from the disease are confirmed, Health Minister Jose Cordova said yesterday. The strain is a variant of H1N1 swine influenza that has also sickened at least eight people in California and Texas. As many as 68 deaths may be attributed to the virus in Mexico, and about 1,000 people in the Mexico City area are showing symptoms of the illness, Cordoba said.

Mexican panic is gripping country

Mexican panic is gripping country


The Mexican government is distributing breathing masks to curtail the disease’s spread. There is no vaccine against the new strain of swine flu, health authorities said.

Museums, theaters and other venues in the Mexico City area, where large crowds gather, have shut down voluntarily and concerts and other events canceled to help contain the disease. Two professional soccer games will be played tomorrow in different Mexico City stadiums without any fans, El Universal newspaper reported. Catholic masses will be held, the newspaper said, although church officials urged worshipers to wear breath masks and to avoid contact.

Schools will likely remain closed next week, Calderon said in the Oaxaca speech. The decree allows Calderon to regulate transportation, enter any home or building for inspection, order quarantines and assign any task to all federal, state and local authorities as well as health professionals to combat the disease.

“The health of Mexicans is a cause that we’re defending with unity and responsibility,” Calderon said. “I know that although it’s a grave problem, a serious problem, we’re going to overcome it.”


You Tell Me: Obama Chia Pet- Is That Racist?

There is nothing to say but damn

There is nothing to say but damn

Thats right! There is now an Obama Chia Pet. How bored can you be to come up with this. Do I think that this was done on a racist tip, no.  Was this done in bad taste, yes. Will this come across as racist to people, probably. I want to know what jackass came up with this idea. President Obama should be flattered, I’m assuming now that he is a chia pet. Whoever is working in the Marketing and Creative Dept’s need to be fired. 

Cha Cha Chia....

Cha Cha Chia....

 The Obama Chia Pet is being tested only in two states. Hmm, I wonder why only in 2 states. In fact, I haven’t seen it anywhere. No tv commerical, no internet advertisement, nothing. Could they be worried that if they did it would have a negative effect?  Yet, for those of you that would like one (for whatever dumb reason) it can be purchased online.

Barack O’Liar

There’s a joke going around about POTUS Barack Hussein Obama. It goes:

    Question: How do you know when Obama is lying?
    Answer: His lips are moving

In last night’s presser that pre-empted regular programming for an hour of lies and half truths, Obama side stepped a question from Chip Reid who wanted to know what fool solves a problem by compounding it?

    QUESTION Chip Reid:
    At both of your town hall meetings in California last week, you said, quote, ”I didn’t run for president to pass on our problems to the next generation.” But under your budget, the debt will increase $7 trillion over the next 10 years. The Congressional Budget Office says $9.3 trillion. And today on Capitol Hill, some Republicans called your budget, with all the spending on health care, education and environment, the most irresponsible budget in American history.

    Isn’t that kind of debt exactly what you were talking about when you said passing on our problems to the next generation?

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: First of all, I suspect that some of those Republican critics have a short memory, because as I recall, I’m inheriting a $1.3 trillion deficit, annual deficit, from them.


Only a narcissist like Obama thinks inheriting $1.3 trillion in debt from his predecessor is worse than adding $7-8 trillion in debt on top of it.

The American people who will end up paying for Obama’s reckless spending have a right to be angry.