Jon’s Coming Out Swinging And Kate Better Duck!

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Jon Gosselin’s First Interview And He’s Fighting Back!

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Kate Throws Party With Bodyguard While Jon Parties In Vegas!

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Jon And Kate Together Again!

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Jon Swears He Never Said He Wanted Off The Show!

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Jon Gosselin Out With The Kids.

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Jon Finally Admits He Wants Off Show

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No Love Games Anymore Between LeAnn Rimes And Brian Cibrian

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Could Jon Be Kicked Off “Jon And Kate Plus 8″?

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Jon’s Secret Woman Speaks…


The secret is out and we now know that her name is Deanna Hummel, she is 23 yrs old and single (of course). The two met through mutual friends ( don’t you always?) and have hung out before (but they were in “group” setting). She claims that their relationship is purely platonic and that they talk and socialize with each other just like friends do.


She does admit that everything is getting blown out of proportion due to the fact that Jon is on TV. If he wasn’t, this wouldn’t even be an issue.  So knowing that ,you decided to go out alone with Jon any way. Also, knowing that there is “trouble” in his marriage, you still decided to do this. If it was me, I would have him come over and watch a movie (oh wait, you already have.. people read below its coming). I wonder if she is trying to be a star and used this as an opportunity to get some “camera time”?


Hummel also swears that Jon never called her “Babe”. Whatever, when your drunk, would you really remember or pay attention? She also stuck with the story that she was test driving the car only to her car. The question is where was her car parked?


Now, this is where it gets interesting… According to Us magazine, Hummel’s brother, Jason,  is talking a different story. He is claiming that there could be more going on. Hummel stated: ” The walls are thin. Let’s just say that. I mean, no one wants to hear his sister having sex, let alone with a married dude who’s, like, almost twice her age and who has eight kids and a maybe-crazy wife.”

Jason tells Us magazine that the Jon and Deanna met at a local Reading bar and were sending $3 shots to each other all night (thats weird, dont you think? The only reason to be doing that is if your trying to get some, in my opinion. I’ve done it…. and it was only for that reason.). Phone calls to the house started in about a month. Jon has been over Deanna place and when he does, Jason said they lock themselves up in her room. Wonder if kate subscribes to Us magazine or People?


Us magazine also apparently has video of Jon coming out of Hummels place 7:30 am the next day. Hmmmm…. My spiderman senses are tingling, people!

To see the video click on this link:

Who needs daytime soaps, when Jon is supplying more than enough entertainment?