Who’s Better Octomom Or Kate?

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Could Jon Be Kicked Off “Jon And Kate Plus 8″?

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Is Reggie Beggin Kim Back?

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Broke Octomom Has Money For Tattoo.

How is it that you claim that you are so broke, and have to go on WIC to feed your kids but have enough money to get a tattoo? I guess once you figure out how to work the system, the rest comes easy.


Recently seen at Kustom Kulture in Hollywood getting a tattoo for her 8 babies. This tattoo is to go with the others that represent her other load of kids.

Nadya Suleman

Suleman invited Radaronline.com to follow the “baby machine” as she got her 8th tattoo. We should all get thank you cards for that tattoo since we all are paying for it.

WETV: The Locator: Finding Donald


The Locator is one of the hottest shows on WETV. This past Saturday was a new episode that will leave you wondering about people and what they have been thru. When you give a child up for adoption and the child comes looking for you, do you hold the past against the child or let the past go and embrace the child that did not ask to be here?

That is this type of case. Donald ( who was given up for adoption, and raised as a only child in a very good,loving home) had gotten into contact with this biological mother. The reason he did this was because he wanted to know about his family medical history. When he called, his mother refused to talk to him, but did agree to answer his questions (thru her husband). His mother asked that he never call again. She did decide to tell her other children, in case Donald decided to contact them. He did not.

When she told her oldest child, Scott, about the child she gave up, he decided to look for Donald himself. He knew that by doing this it could hurt his relationship with this mother but knew that it was the right thing to do. He did not think that it was right for his mom to “throw him away”.

Troy and his team had a very hard time finding Donald (there was over 700 people with the same name),but he succeeded and they decided to meet. Troy asked Donald alot of questions and you could see that he was very hurt by the outcome of his biological mom. Yet, he was thrilled and excited to know that not everyone in his biological family felt the same way as his mother did.

Troy flew Donald and his family out to meet Scott. It was clear to see that Donald was so happy to meet his brother and felt very honored (and special that someone would take this big of a chance for him) knowing that by doing this it could ruin Scott’s relationship with their mom. Scott lets Donald know about his mom and tries to explain that his mom isn’t a bad person (and hopefully would be able to except what Scott has done.)

If ends with them hugging ( for the 19th time)… Scott still has not told his mother about the meeting.

Here’s my question: Was their mom being selfish for turning Donald away or was the hurt to much to deal with?

Reality Sets In For Octomom With Reality Show


Everyone says that once you start a lie, all that happens is that it snowballs into bigger lies. Octomom Suleman has repeatedly told lie after lie to everyone, then when she gets caught all she does is “rephrase” it and here is another example.


We all know that she has been greedy hungry with the media and wants to be the next “Jon and Kate plus 8”. She wants the fame, money and everything else that comes with being a celebrity except she doesnt want to work for it. It has finally been admitted that she will have her own “reality show”, except (here is the fun part) it will not be called a “reality show”. It will be known as a “documentary” and will be called that until the kids are 18. That is a long ass time for a documentary. These kids are only a few months old.

Suleman told LifeStyle Weekly: ” … the documentary will not infringe on our family’s lifestyle since they will only be filming 6 times a year. It will also help her remember the milestones of the childrens lives.” Give me a break!


The best part of this is that this “documentary” is being filmed by a company in the U.K. called “Eyeworks”. It will be shown in the U.K. first and then the U.S. (depending if we are interested…. I guess she never heard of cable television. Duh…. you dont have to bring your show here to the US, sweetie. I can get it on the comcast! … of course, if I’M interested.)

Here’s my questions: Will you watch Suleman’s “Documentary”

Lindsay Lohan’s Profile On eHarmony

At least she has a sense of humor. But I do see a bunch of people applying for this job. Lindsay’s new boy/girl toy. Apply now. Real, sensible people not need apply.

Nadya Suleman Brings Last Team Member Home… Baby Jonah


Hail Hail the gangs all here. Its a happy time for the Suleman family, the last baby finally came home.  Jonah only weighed 1 pound 8 ounces, when he was born 3 months ago. Doctors from Kaiser Permanente said that Jonah is health enough to go home as long as he continues to gain weight and stays on formula and donated pasteurized breast milk (mmmm….. yummy… donated pasteurized breast milk…. the perfect way to start a morning….yuck!).


As for the reality show dream…. it may come to reality… According to UsMagazine: Suleman’s lawyer has slipped that she has met with four production companies, just last week, about getting her show started. Let’s do hope this happens or else we all will be paying for them babies…


On a side note: on April 1, someone threw a carseat into the back window of Suleman’s minivan. People, regardless of what or how we feel it does not give anyone the right…..  I mean ANYONE the right  to hurt or vandalize anyone’s property. Who ever did it…. you wrong!

Jon And Kate To Return For More In Season 5


The only way Jon would get off the show is by divorcing  Kate. Which we all know will not happen, he would get egged as soon as he walked onto the sidewalk. Recently, many students at the Univ of Penn have been blogging that Jon Gosselin has indeed confirmed that they will be back for Season 5. Mr. “I don’t have the balls to quit” has been giving seminars at the University and when asked about the return of Jon and Kate plus 8, he simply said “Yes, there will be a season 5”.


Again, who knows if saying that the show will return is a ploy from TLC for ratings. Having the secret “leaked” out will certainly cause a frenzy among fans. We do hope that during the break two things have happened for Jon and Kate. One, Jon re-discovered that he is a man and was able to grow a 2nd set of un-detachable balls (use superglue if you have too). Two, Kate finally found a good shrink. One that can help control her overbearing personality or take control of the multiple personalities (either/ or). Hopefully, they also will  be able to get a better couch, since that is the reason for the tense body expressions between them. They are in denial or really think that the public is that stupid not to see what is growing between them. We like to call that “resentment” or “hatred”, pick one… does it really matter? Either way, we all will be watching the season premier waiting for the drama to kick in… just like every other reality show.


Tell Me…How Does It Feel? Questions For You?

Once a week, we would like to take a poll over topics that have been discussed to see how people really feel. There are many that do not like to write to blogs, but by doing this, it will give you a voice, your opinion matters. Below are a few polls that we want to know how you feel.