Spitsville with DWTS Karina Smirnoff And Maksim Chmerkovskiy!

click on pic for story

click on pic for story

Lil Kim gets kicked off Dancing with the stars!!!

Old Name: Queen Bee

New Name: Queen B!#%h-get-off-the-damn-show!!!

Lil Kim sitting on her Plastic a$$ talking about her plastic a$$

Penis’s, Boners, And Hard On’s…Oh My..On DWTS

Can anyone see me thru these 70's sport shorts?

Can anyone see me thru these 70's sport shorts?

Soooo, did anyone catch the boner on Mark Ballas last week? I actually saw it but I thought that there was no way that it was what I thought it was. After deep reseach of his private area, I think it has been determined to be a hard on. ABC, you will do anything for ratings. Now, we will have to put the kids to bed extra early since we dont know what will “pop” up on the show.


Or, the flip side of this is, does Mark Ballas have a thing for “young girls”? I personally dont see Johnson ( who is a cute girl… but not boner cute, than again she did have that stalker) turning men on. She is 17 ( 1 for the men), short (2 for the men), and flexible (18 hundred for the men….. maybe I understand now) but there is just something that seems misplaced on her. I cant put my hand on it (clearly Ballas had other areas he was interested putting on Johnson). And, Ballas is dating that American Idol reject from Philadelphia ,Joanna Pacitti ( she is frickin hot tho).


Joanna Pacitti do you need help with that?

You must admit tho, with all that dancing and being so close to each other that it must not be easy for men. All that bumping, grinding, lifting, sniffing, touching, feeling. It’s virtually a porn movie with a dress on.

God I wish I was skin

God I wish I was skin

Here’s my question: Was that a boner on Mark Ballas or was he just happy to finish the dance?


Marry…F@*k… Kill Game

Here is the fun game of Marry… F@&K… Kill. Rules are simple. Out of the 3 people below, who would you marry, would you sleep with, and who would you kill.

For The Men:

1. Megan Fox

Lord Have Mercy, I wish I was that towel.

Lord Have Mercy, I wish I was that towel.

2.  Jessica Alba

I want to have her children

I want to have her children

3. Shakira


For the woman:

1.  Duane Johnson ( The Rock)



2.  Johnny Depp


3.  Gilles Marini ( Naked neighbor in the move “Sex In The City”

What I wouldn't give to be the soap

What I wouldn't give to be the soap

Scandalicious!! David Alan Grier is Assed out and plays the RACE card

Scandalicious!!  David Alan Grier plays the race card

Scandalicious!!  David Allen Grier plays the race card

Scandalicious!! David Allen Grier plays the race card

You are going to hear it here first and foremost. We have a friend of ours who works in production for DWTS. She was three feet away from David Allen Griers dressing room after the show.  She overheard  him having a full blown temper tantrum with his manager and wife.

She stated that “David was extremely upset about loosing. “ She stated that  he said “ Man, I did all of this for how much? Two hundred thousand ..sh*t man, it has nothing to do with the money. I feel bad for Kymmy..this aint nothing but a bull sh*t show but it’s the principle…I know the judges were F*cking with me because I’m not like one of those uncle tom nigg*s they usually have. All three of them aint nothing but some racists!”  We will tell  you more details tomorrow. She has to go back to work.

David Alan Grier thinks his ouster from DWTS was racist!

David Alan Grier thinks his ouster from DWTS was racist!

DWTS Eliminations….



For those of you that watch the show and missed it, last night was a double elimination. What they did was choose the 3 couples with the lowest score, they were: Lacey Schwimmer and Steve-O, Holly Maddison and Dmitry Chapli, last but not least Steve Wozniak and Karina Smirnof. Two of the three was not a surprise: Holly Maddison and Steve Woznia. The funny thing is that Karina Smirnof just looked as if she wanted this hell to be over. Her facial expression’s were hilarious. At one point, if looks could talk it was saying: “Please god let this end, so I never have to touch this man again. Ewww!”


The show lasted longer than a case of herpes, with all the music entertainment, montage of the celebrity dancers talking about really nothing, and dancing of course. Boys To Men performed, and damn,  getting old sucks. They sang a re- mix of oldies but nothing original. In the end, Lacey and Steve-O were saved. I don’t think that America was too surprised. Holly danced like a broken stick and Steve, needs to just stick with his Apple computer company. Tho, Steve did have the attitude and personality of a winner. Never getting mad or showing any disappointment. Finally, with these 2 couples gone, the show will finally feel like a competition instead of a freak show.

Aren't We Missing Someone?

Aren't We Missing Someone?

On the upside: Melissa Rycroft and her partner Tony Dovolanidid very well, they scored a 29. The winner tho, was Gilles Marini (or also known as “The naked neighbor, in the movie Sex In The City… he should have gotten an oscar damn it! His wife is a lucky, lucky woman. If you dont know what I mean, watch the shower scene… god damn!!) and his partner Cheryl Burke. They scored a perfect 30.

Damn, I Wish I Was Him....

Damn, I Wish I Was Him....

P.S. It was brought up recently on the amount of money that the celebrities are making just for joining the show. Each contestant earns $200,000.00. The winner gets an additional bonus, 2nd place winner’s bonus is a little less, 3rd place is lesser and so forth. So, regardless if you are the first to get kicked off the show…. you still made $200,000.00. How does this make you feel, knowing how much the celebs make? Does this change your opinion on the show?

Dancing with the Surgeon!!! The Lil Kim Version!!!


If you’ve wondered why Lil Kim looks little less scary on Dancing with Stars, it’s because she paid a little trip to her favorite surgeon just before filming the show to get a “fixin”:

Lil Kim was concerned with her appearance on the show, so right before Dancing With the Stars, she had reconstructive surgery to fill in her nose, and fix all the deformities that her previous surgeries caused. She is shooting a music video this Saturday for a new song she’s been working on. 

Question: Why would someone have surgery to look like a totally different person, then have ANOTHER surgery to try to look like you did before your initial surgeries?

Our advice to Lil Kim: Leave all that sh*t alone before your face caves in like beyonce’s ass with out the butt pads.