We discovered the cause of The Swine Flu

WatchURmouth.com’s team of crack investigators discovered the real origin and cause of the dreaded Swine Flu.

Click on picture to reveal the cause of the Swine Flu

Click on picture to reveal the cause of the Swine Flu

Craigslist killer Philip Markoff (Funny Cartoon)

This cartoon is tasteless but funny as hell !


Yeah, Markoff is going to be good and tender in about two years….

Chris Brown had an affair with Jennifer Gardner (photo)

Shocking News!

Chris Brown has been blowing the back out of Jennifer Gardner.

Here is the photographic  proof:

Jennifer Gardner tried to break it off..and he..let's just say that he did what he does best.

Jennifer Gardner tried to break it off..and he..let's just say that he did what he does best.

Christina Aguilera when drinking goes real bad

DAMN! Christina Aguilera is one of the hottest women on the planet.

Except for when she’s been drinking. What a F*cking pig.

Christina Aguilera entering (L) and leaving (R) The Room nightclub in West Hollywood (4/27)

Christina Aguilera entering (L) and leaving (R) The Room nightclub in West Hollywood (4/27)

Lebron James Hilarious commercial


The most Homosexual Man in America

We love Homosexuals at WatchURmouth.com. But we are sorry….

This is disgusting..but we can't take our eyes off

This is disgusting..but we can't take our eyes off

This has made us all vomit just a little bit in our mouths.

Nadya Suleman Birth Footage ( Hilarious)

Oh my damn this is the funniest sh*t!

This is the funniest damn video! Thanks to the Jimmy Kimmel show for sharing this with us. We guess that now that he doesn’t have to worry about satisfying that sexaholic Sarah Silverman anymore, he has time to focus on funny material.